What is the proper length of talking time?
Within 15 seconds or 30 seconds is proper. AI business card is shared by SNS apps or email. If it is too long, it can be stopped by the viewer. Even a short talking AI business card can transfer a strong message. You can refer to various length of AI biz card on Gallery. By some reasons such as marketing strategies or any other reasons, you can make it longer.
If you like to promote your AI biz card with other helpful ways, you can use OmniQR service that provides whole functions on a page using single QR code. Please find more information on OmniQR menu.
What is the difference between my own voice and AI voice?
You can transfer more expressive message as you speak based on the situation with your own voice. AI voice uses voices of voice actors with formal and stable expression but the accent and emotional expression is somewhat monotonous.
What are supported languages?
More than 100 languages are supported. Please contact us to find your language if it not widely used one.
How to record the message with your voice?
You can use voice recorder of your smartphone or other apps under quiet place. You can express as you like. Please use your name when you send us the recording by an email to myavatar.sales@gmail.com. Preferred file type is mp3. For m4a file type, we can convert it to mp3 for you.
How to design AI biz card?
It is like a normal paper based business card. You can locate yourself to show as you like with other normal information such as company name, your name, tel, address, email, website, QR code, etc.
How to send AI biz card?
You can use any SNS apps such as Instagram, Facebook, X, WhatsApp and many others or attach it to your email.
Can you make longer one more than 60 seconds?
Sure, we can. Please send us an email if you need longer one.
Lip synch issue
Lip synchronization of Avatar is not perfectly matched as we expect from human. The fast-growing AI technology may solve this issues someday. We are not responsible for this discrepancy issue and you should use it as produced.